Five Creeks Signature Essential Oil Massage: A Walk In The Woods


Have you ever heard of Shinrin-Yoku, or Forest Medicine? It's "taking in the forest atmosphere" for relaxation and health. With this in mind, we've developed a new original essential oil massage: A Walk In The Woods.

Enjoy scents that evoke a walk in the woods in beautiful northern California along with your massage! You'll recognize notes of sage, juniper berries, and fir trees.  It's an invigorating massage for those who share our love of the outdoors.

Normally we focus on massage for pain reduction, but managing stress is an essential part of pain management. Why? The human body has two states: "fight or flight", and "rest and digest." Many of us spend much of our day in flight or flight - dealing with emergencies and being ready to take on the world at a moment's notice! And when we are in that state, our bodies prioritize survival over repair.

It's only when we relax, and go into "rest and digest" mode that our bodies can heal minor muscular injuries quickly and properly. And so, relaxing make good sense when you're in muscular pain! Plus, it feels really nice to disconnect from time to time, right?

There are lots of ways you can move from "fight or flight" to "rest and digest." Some of our favorites are meditation, spending time with pets, or an actual walk in the woods.

What's your favorite way to relax?