A Coronavirus Update, Sept 2020

Regulations for Alameda County recently changed, and we now have two options for reopening!

Massage therapists are now allowed to do medical massage indoors (defined as clients having a prescription for massage from their doctor), or we are allowed do outdoor massage.

Since few of my clients have doctor’s prescriptions for massage, and interactions in the fresh air are generally safer in the time of COVID, I chose to pursue outdoor massage. My husband has made our backyard garden a tiny oasis in the past couple of months, so why not? After investing in outdoor equipment, I found I had a new and persistent issue… the air quality from the fires is just too poor to schedule anything outdoors. So that’s on hold for now. And cold weather is around the corner, which is probably going to force us indoors.

The work to get the indoor space ready is a bit more involved and going to take a little time. And since I’m sensitive to air quality problems, I’m staying at home until that clears up, and unable to direct work there just yet.

Regardless of location or timing, we’ll get there eventually.

When that happens, likely I’ll start by reopening for limited hours for existing clients, starting with those who were cancelled when we closed, and people with prepaid packages.

In the meantime, if you’d like to support the massage studio, please consider buying a face mask. They are hand sewn, with love.

And stay tuned to this space!
