Extending Our Temporary Closure

Happy 2021, everyone!

In anticipation of Alameda County’s extension of pandemic closure dates, I am blocking off the calendar for another three weeks. I’ve arbitrarily chosen Feb 2 as a re-opening date, but this may change or extend based on pandemic metrics, like ICU capacity. If you are booked for a session that I cannot fulfill for this reason, I’ll contact you individually to let you know when the county announces dates.

If you are in urgent need of a massage during this time, check with Core Wellness in Oakland. They are doing medical massage indoors, defined as massage prescribed by a doctor, and they can operate during shut downs.

Though I’m qualified to do medical massage, I’ve chosen not to pursue it. So very few of my clients have prescriptions for massage, and I don’t have existing partnerships with individuals that can refer medical massage clients. The amount of set up time for outdoor massage - where I feel most comfortable right now -would outweigh the benefits.

And that’s ok. I’m doing fine. I’m actually engrossed in some exciting developments for the future! Hint: The massage studio is getting an upgrade. …So stay tuned to this space!